Refilling a glass bottle for 30 times can reduce carbon footprint from 323g down to 24g! What is carbon footprint you might ask?
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What is carbon footprint? Is it bad?
Carbon footprint (or CO2 footprint) is the total greenhouse gases emission of an individual’s life cycle, includes manufacturing, transportation, usage and end-of-life disposal.
Most of our daily life leaves a trace in the environment. Is it bad? Picture yourself pulling a truck uphill, as you sweat your way up, more and more people are getting onboard by choice to get to their purpose. How do you feel?
Now imagine the Earth is you and the travellers are you, your family, your friends, etc.. You might probably say “oh thank god, I am not doing the hard work, the Earth is”, but if the truck overloads, what do you think the travellers will end up being?
What should I do?
If I can get you into a more greener lifestyle (finger-crossed), then reduction should be your priority (stop adding load to the truck). Therefore, when it comes to shopping, the new era should be about “SHOP NAKED”.
Shop naked often sell daily products that are low in carbon footprint, including food stock, skincare, cleaning supplies. When they mean “NAKED”, they mean products that are naked (NO PACKAGING). THIS IS REDUCTION.
Some of the supermarkets in the foreign countries have refill stations, where people can bring their own bottles to refill their detergent, dish soap, or shampoo. You get to refill at any custom amount! Isn’t it better? If you wish to learn more about how people in the world are acting to reduce waste on Earth, like packaging with popcorn, or how overconsumption on sustainable products is not sustainable. Follow get.waste.ed on instagram ( ).
Carbon footprint of Glass
Let me be honest with you. Single-use glass is worse than single-use plastic in terms of carbon footprint, due to its weight on transportation. Therefore, we put faith in our customers that they are here to make a difference. “DROP! Fill! SEND!”
Refilling a glass bottle for 30 times can reduce carbon footprint from 323g down to 24g!
80% of glass can be recycled, it has one of the highest recycling rates compared to plastic (9%), or aluminium (40%). BUT REMEMBER! Skreen. is not about recycling! It is all about reusing! If unfortunately, when it comes to a day the glass bottle has to be trashed, 80% is a good number. OR you can create some fun out of the glass bottle, do a real-life drift bottle in the classroom (I am thinking a bit like Secret Santa, please do not drift it out in the ocean lol), or you can refill your shampoo at a shop naked, maybe? Give it a second life, feel the joy out of the simple things.
Maybe one day, just a thought, Skreen. could host a creative competition for upcycling glass bottles. but for now, we would love to keep them drifting in the skincare ocean! <3
Get Inspired
Start drifting your skincare bottles today with Skreen.! Learn more at